Panama diving suggestions

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San Diego CA
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100 - 199
We want to go to Panama for two weeks, end of Dec. One week of birding and one week of diving. We found plenty of info on birding, but very little on diving. There's gotta be diving - the Caribbean is on one side of the country and the Pacific on the other! Any suggestions would be welcome from those of you who have been. Thanks!
We want to go to Panama for two weeks, end of Dec. One week of birding and one week of diving. We found plenty of info on birding, but very little on diving. There's gotta be diving - the Caribbean is on one side of the country and the Pacific on the other! Any suggestions would be welcome from those of you who have been. Thanks!

There is plenty of diving in Panama, the question is what type of diving do you want to do? To narrow the field, I would suggest looking at diving from Bocas del Toro or Portobelo on the Caribbean side, or Coiba/Santa Catalina on the Pacific side. Caribbean diving offers great reefs, lots of tropical fish, great invertebrate life, warm water (84-86 degrees), calm seas, and virtually no current. The Pacific side (Coiba in particular) offers awesome big animal encounters (sharks, mantas, etc.) but not much in the way of reef life. The diving on the Pacific side is a little more advanced, as the sea conditions are usually rougher, the currents can be quite strong, and the water is usually colder.

You might want to look a little further into this forum, as there are probably 5 or 6 recent threads about diving in Panama.

If you decide on Bocas, please feel free to PM me with any questions you might have about the diving, lodging, restaurants, beaches, transportation, etc.
You might want to look a little further into this forum, as there are probably 5 or 6 recent threads about diving in Panama.

I'll make it easier for you. Here is a review of diving Bocas last January. The conditions will probably be very similar in December:

For birding, I strongly recommend Cerro Punta, which is not very far from Bocas del Toro. There is a wonderful bed and breakfast there, Cielito Sur. (Check the website.) There are a number of hummingbird feeders surrounding the owner's home and the guest house. Every one is filled with a variety of hummingbirds, ranging from barely an 1" in length to well over 6". The owners know a lot about birding locations, local trails (like Sendero los Quetzales, which starts at Cerro Punta) and they are very helpful in getting you or directing you to where you want to go.

I'd recommend flying Aeroperlas or Air Panama from Panama City (Albrook Airport) to Bocas. Then, fly from Bocas to David. Rent a car there and drive to Volcan/Cerro Punta. It's about 45 minutes. Then, fly back to Panama City. And, have a wonderful time!
I dived in Bocas del Toro, nice dives and a really good place to learn, very warm water, but if your not a novice then it may not be that exciting although there are plenty of tropical fish.
If you decide on Bocas, please feel free to PM me with any questions you might have about the diving, lodging, restaurants, beaches, transportation, etc.

If you decide to go to Bocas, you should definitely contact Cappyjon431. He has a great dive school, I did my EFA and RD with Bocas Water Sports last year and it was fantastic. The diving In Bocas is also great value for money.

Am hoping to return soon and see some more dive sights around Bocas - maybe even spear a few pesky lionfish!

Bocas is also great fun for going out... so you will be guaranteed a good time!
For anyone considering coming to Bocas in October, Bocas Water Sports is running an "Off Season Special." Two-tank dives are $40, including gear.
I lived for five years in Panama, and dove both the Caribbean and Pacific. What Cappy Jon stated in his first reply is true, the two oceans are very different in character and fauna. When I'm on vacation and I want to relax, I prefer the Caribbean; but when I have my adventure hat on, it's got to be Coiba and environs. Both experiences are possible in a week, you may want to check out the option of two mini-vacations of 3-4 day duration each, one to Bocas, and one to Coiba.
Bocas del Toro is great - we were there in July. The place is totally chilled out and relaxed. Lots of things to do from bars to boat trips. Dived with CappyJon and enjoyed easy diving and efficient, good-humoured dive operation. The fish life is a bit limited, but there is a huge variety of corals and there is macro. Outside the lagoon there are some spectacular swim-throughs. One of the best night dives I've ever done at Hospital Point.

Anyone taking a two-centre, then I would recommend Bocas first. You can get your buoyancy and kit all sorted out, get some sun, get some beers, get some food, for-get to move on, get some sleep, get some dives, - get the picture!
For some of the best adventure diving in Panama you may want to consider a liveaboard diving the Coiba National Park - the Yemaya - which is a truly top notch boat has a 9 night trip to Malpelo + Coiba for Dec 16-25, but if you only wish to do a 7 night trip, we have space on a 7 night Christmas trip Dec 25-Jan 1. Rates for Coiba are from $2475 in standard twin with share bathroom, $2520 in twin with private bathroom and $2610 in Master cabin with private bathroom. The standard cabins with shared faciliteis can be a bit small so suggest you upgrade to teh larger cabins if you can. Great diving and some of the best food on any liveaboard so not a bad spot to spend Xmas and the following week. Let me know if you need more details -

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