Panama and Costa Rica january

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Hi all,

I am planning a dive trip to Panama and Costa Rica the first weeks of january. I am getting Open Water certification in Bocas del Toro first, it is not supposed to be the best place that time of the season, but given my budget I have little other choice. After that I wanted to do some diving in Costa Rica. Anyone has any ideas on what the best dive sites are for that time of the year, and given the fact that I cannot go deeper than 18m?

Many thanks!

Hey Bert.
At that time of year the best diving is on the pacific coast. There are a few different places that you could go. Playa del coco, Manuel Antonio or Drake Bay. The nicest diving I have experienced is down in Isla Cano in the south near Drake Bay but its a bit out of the way to get to. Maybe staying in Manuel Antonio and then take a day trip down there. That way you get all the other different land activities like rafting, zip lining etc. Depends what you want.

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