Good morning all. First post but long time lurker.
Background. Dived a lot pre kids. UK and globally, have done liveaboards in Belize, Maldives, Galapagos, and Scapa, also various Red Sea and sipadan back when you could stay on the island and various other bits and bobs. Then kids came along, other priorities ensued. Kids both certified AOW, but only a few dive trips over that whole period. Now empty nesters and back at it. Malta and Red Sea so far this year. Maldives ( land based) at xmas with the kids too coming up. But now looking at wading through the diving “to do” list and planning some bigger trips just for the 2 of us. Fancy the far east for the first one. We have looked at various options and read a few reports and think Palau, rather than Raja Ampat in the far east. I’m more into the big stuff than sea horses and nudibranchs and my “photography” consists of occasionally pointing my go pro at things, if I haven’t left it in my dive gear box!
So that’s the background. Any suggestions ? We are thinking liveaboad, but it’s a long way to go ( from the UK) for 7 days so maybe a side trip too. I’ve read mixed reports of both the Agressor and the Siren, some glowing, some pretty bad, seems to be fairly polarised opinions.
Any recommendations of either or other liveaboard options? I’m assuming land based is a bit tricky there?
Also any options for a side trip, prob land based that would fit in either there or en route.