PADI OWSI + NOx / O2 - Seeking in Oz

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Zeke XA3

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Queensland - Australia - Most of the time
# of dives
5000 - ∞
Hi folks,

Im am planning to move to Oz within the next four months. I have been told the market is open to instructors at the moment and so will be flying in, gear in hand to look for work. I have been told it is hard to set stuff up before and the best way is to turn up ready for work. But just in case.....anyone looking for anyone to work in the near future. In the last year i have worked for a dive operation with a range of sites and boat sizes from 6 person launches to 30 person 2 decked boats. Teaching DSDs, OW, AOW and taking certified divers. I am happy to work in a resort environment, dive shop or on a live aboard.

Dive Certs
O2 provider
BSAC Sports Diver
BSAC Assistant Diving Instructor

Other Certs
BSc Marine Sciences
RYA Sailing level 2
RYA Power boating Level 2
RYA Day Skipper Theory

Initially i am flying into Cairns but willing to relocate anywhere to work hard and experience a new area.

If you have any questions or need to know more please just ask

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