PADI IDC Koh Tao feedback

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I am considering Koh Tao for my IDC. I would like to eventually do Tech so I would like to spend some time on the island checking out the Tech classes for the future.
So I would really appreciate any feedback from those that did their PADI IDC on Koh Tao.
There are a few IDC's to choose from, do you want Padi or SSI? A place where you can do both IDC & Tech? Do you want to work afterwards? Do you want a big school or small?
Remember to research who the course director is & ask for references. There's a few IDC centres here but only 3 Tech shops worth considering, what tech courses do you want to do?
I haven't done my IDC on Koh Tao but I live here so can give some feedback.
Personally, I think IDC is so generic, that it doesn't really matter where you take it. The Course Director does matter - as they define the quality of output. Most just prep candidates to pass the I.E., rather than create quality instructors.

Matt Bolton at Crystal Divers did a good job with my IDC. I was already a BSAC instructor, but he still managed to make the training beneficial and interesting.

I've not been on Koh Tao since 2007. Back then, Master Divers/The Trident/Jamie McCloud was THE place to do tech training. Other centers have subsequently opened tech training outlets. Best advice is to visit in person and inspect them.

Alternatively, consider IDC on Koh Tao, then look further afield for technical training. Does it have to be PADI? (intentions to progress to TecRec tech instructor?). If not, then definitely consider Bruce Konefe in Pattaya, who runs ANDI courses at every level (up to instructor-trainer), including multiple CCR units, cave explorer (level 5), advanced overhead sidemount.. and even a 180m Trimix qual... Very exceptional training indeed...
When it comes to Tech, I would cast a broader net than PADI or whatever is offered on Koh Tao.

IDCs are IDCs you're prepped to pass whoever you choose, be they in Mexico, Malaysia or Florida. But Tech is different matter altogether. You're profile says you're based in Alsaska? If that's the case then Padi TecRec deep air courses will not be suitable for the diving you may be doing back home. I dive deep air in nice warm places like Egypt and the Phillipines, but here in the UK I'm all about Trimix below 35m. There's a world of difference between tech in a shorty and tech in drysuit. While the skills and buoyancy control, gas planning all remain the same the addition of the extra equipment for cold water diving make it easier to spike CO2 levels, which is a heavily narcotic gas, a factor not discussed on PADI courses.
Look for tech training closer to home.
What a shame, you're about ten years late! I used to run IDC s with a really tec slant on Koh Tao for a few years, we used to sit around talking about wrecks and WW2 with a bit of Padi thrown in to make sure you passed.

All good advice above, the IDC is pretty much generic in structure, I would recommend Matt at Crystal because he's my mate!

As for Tec, you'll have a chance to look around when you're doing your IDC, but Wilco at Master Divers will give you a great start , he's a mate too.

Then if you decide to dive in cold water, you've at least got the basics.

Ps just dont go to DJL, They're not mates!
Thanx to all for the info. It's always great to get a different point of view, or feedback on something I had not even considered.

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