OW before it freezes

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St. Paul, MN
I finished my classroom instruction and pool dives in March, and I've been lurking on this board since that time. I've enjoyed the mostly intelligent discussion :D I've read on a wide range of topics. I'm doing my open water this weekend here in Minnesota and I can't wait. Gotta get in the water before it freezes! :errrr:
Oooooh ... just in time, it's already starting to get the chill on over here on the other side of the pond. Good luck with your OW dives!

Welcome to the board! :)
Hey, another Minnesotan. Welcome to the board.:wink:
Go for it - Have fun and dive safe!
I may have to wear a t-shirt for the next dive. Brr!


Welcome aboard!

Peter Doege
Thanks for the warm welcome. It is much needed after the diving this weekend. The water was a balmy 58 degrees and the visibility was about 8 feet both days. While it wasn't the best conditions, I've got my cert and plan on using it often. Hopefully that'll be in clear blue waters under a cloudless sky.

I'm afraid I have to echo many of the experiences a lot of folks have had regarding their open water dives. There was very little instruction or teaching taking place this weekend. Instead it felt like the "instructors" just wanted you to prove you could clear your mask without drowning and go on to the next person.

On dive #1, my buddy had issues with his buoyancy so he had to go back to shore to drop some weight. By the time the instructor got him situated, the rest of the class was returning from their tour. As a result, our first dive consisted of a fifty yard swim to the sunken platform site of our second dive.

I realize this is a business, and profit margins are probably pretty slim, but when you are certifying folks for an inherently risky adventure, I expect a certain level of professionalism.

With that said, I still plan on pursuing education, skills, and experiences in the water. I'll take the advice of many folks here and make the education my responsibility.

See ya in the water =-)

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