Out Islands Bahamas

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Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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We are looking for a week of three dives a day, nitrox, simple accomodations, no night life. We lived for 10 years in Indonesia and are still searching for that wall, drift experience. So far we have been to Saba and Utlia which we liked. Tried Cozumel and hated it (too many people).

Any ideas? We are both rescue divers and have been diving since the mid 1980s...

As Steve stated Small Hope Bay Resort on Andros Island will meet your needs. No night life, heck not even a Starbucks on the Island, great walls and Blue Holes (fresh and salt) three dives a day, all inclusive. Short hop from Maimi or Ft. Lauderdale.
Look into Riding Rock Inn on San Salvador. Been some reviews here from recent visits by others. Been too long ago I was there (pre-Club Med invasion), but it was good, and simple.
Nice intro, Bob. Just about to recommend my post from a few weeks ago about our trip to Riding Rock. No nitrox, but even if there was, I wouldn't have used it. Why, you ask? Three dives a day doesn't tire me out so not a factor. Second, and most important, you can go really deep either by choice or accident. Many amazing swim throughs have you exiting at 125 feet or so. You want to do them because they are great and at 32%, couldn't be done on nitrox. Two, many times I would look to see a coral formation that I thought was at the same depth as me and head over only to realize I dropped 20-30 feet due to the sloping sand. We had many "watch your depth" conversations on the boat because everyone was getting just a bit fooled by the topography. BTW, three of us are instructors and 4 DMs and it happened to us as well as our other guests. So, you think your at 90 and ease on over to this cool coral head ad your at 110.
Anyway, see my previous post. One of our group left Riding Rock when we left and went to Small Hope Bay and liked it. He did say the diving was better on San Sal due to the topography and friendly reef sharks on every one of our dives. Also, there really is no nightlife except the bar next to the dining room which is nice and relaxing.

+1 on Riding Rock Inn, San Salvador. I was there with PeeWee diver; the diving was great and the atmosphere is very relaxing and laid back.

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