My doc retired recently, and I haven't yet found another that I like nearly as much so I'm without at the moment. I have a quick question for any MDs with some time on their hands.
Friday morning (2 days ago) I woke up with a feeling of fullness in my right ear and pain in my jaw. I waited through the day to see if it would go away but it slowly got worse. It was signicantly worse yesterday moning so I sought treatment.
Not having a doc right now and not wanting to sit in an ER, I went to a 'minute clinic' at a local CVS, staffed by a CRNP who diagnosed a middle ear infection and prescribed oral Amoxicillin and otic Floxacin. Symptoms I have:
*hearing loss that ear
*sense of pressure and constant dull ache in ear
*swollen shut tube, makes funny squeak on valsalva
*low grade fever
*swollen jaw (can not fully close bite w/o serious pain)
*pain when ears manipulated
*tenderness in the area of cheek/jaw just forward of the ear
I know that you can't diagnose over teh internet without an IP-otoscope, but is this all consistent with middle ear infection? 24 hours on antibiotics has produced no change for better or worse. The jaw swelling is the most painful/irritating aspect.
Would you personally wait further for improvement or would you take a trip to the ER?
I appreciate any thoughts you might have,
Friday morning (2 days ago) I woke up with a feeling of fullness in my right ear and pain in my jaw. I waited through the day to see if it would go away but it slowly got worse. It was signicantly worse yesterday moning so I sought treatment.
Not having a doc right now and not wanting to sit in an ER, I went to a 'minute clinic' at a local CVS, staffed by a CRNP who diagnosed a middle ear infection and prescribed oral Amoxicillin and otic Floxacin. Symptoms I have:
*hearing loss that ear
*sense of pressure and constant dull ache in ear
*swollen shut tube, makes funny squeak on valsalva
*low grade fever
*swollen jaw (can not fully close bite w/o serious pain)
*pain when ears manipulated
*tenderness in the area of cheek/jaw just forward of the ear
I know that you can't diagnose over teh internet without an IP-otoscope, but is this all consistent with middle ear infection? 24 hours on antibiotics has produced no change for better or worse. The jaw swelling is the most painful/irritating aspect.
Would you personally wait further for improvement or would you take a trip to the ER?
I appreciate any thoughts you might have,