Of some sort. I don't own the 5050, but many digital camera's have a way to reset the sequence numbers. On the D1x, if I have the sequence option off, the camera will renumber the images starting at 100 everytime a new memory card is used. Based on a review, there is an option on the 5050 called "filename" that has two options "auto", and "reset". I'd look at the manual, and determine what that does as it sounds like part of the problem as the write-up I have does not explain this feature.
The date getting reset also makes me believe that the camera reset which would result in default manufacture settings. Jan 1, 2002 certainly sounds like a likey date that camera would use as a starting point of no date is set as the camera was released in 2002.
Digital camera's are both a blessing and a curse in that most all have a LOT of features, and I'm convinced that most people do NOT bother learning the camera well, if hardly at all.
As for photo's getting renamed, that is generally a function of the download software. In most manufactures software, and many reader packages there are options on how one wants the files named when they are downloaded. The options generally allow one to rename files adding constants, or sometimes determine if new directories are created for each memory card.
If you still have the memory cards with the images in tack, you can play around with the software you are using to download, and see if you can get them to download in an order that you perfer.
Be very careful as is you have different images that share the same name and you force them into one directory, you may overwrite and loose images.
Good Luck,
Just got back from a Grand Cayman trip and when I downloaded photos from my Oly 5050 to my laptop, the order that they appeared was different than the order that they were taken. Any idea why this is happening? I suspect its something with the time stamp feature. I noticed that some of the earlier pictures that I downloaded while on the trip have the correct time, but then, suddenly, the later pictures all say they were taken on January 1, 2002! I guess I did something to turn off the time stamp setting, but I haven't a clue. Any advice? Its a pain in the butt trying to reorganize the pics so that they reflect the dive sequence....
PS - I tried switching over to a MAUSB-10 card reader, but I can't get it to work with Windows XP. Anyone have that problem or a solution?