Opinions on Phi Phi overnight trip?

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Hi guys,

Im thinking of doing the Phi Phi overnight trip in a couple of weeks, was wondering if anyone here has done it and what they thought of the trip overall (dives, accomodation, trip in general)?

And I see many DC's offer the trip, is there any differance between booking through one particular shop? IE, would they send their own DM with me, and their gear, or does the boat provide all that?

Thanks heaps for any input!
Have not done it myself for a while, used to do them regularly. Always good, a lot of variety in the diving, just be aware that you don't get gret vis that often at those sites. Hotel is Bayview, nice bungalows, hope you don't get ones too far up the hill. Trip run by Calypso who normally provide all staff. I can't speak for other dive shops, but if someone books with us, we provide the gear and if it was a group booking we can send an instructor of our choice. We also book people on the trip for AOW courses and will send an instructor for the students ourselves.

Summary: great trip, best you can do at this time of year with no Similan Islands!
Was talking to a marine biologist working in Thailand on a reef management project this week and he mentioned that Phi Phi reefs suffered the most devastating coral bleaching he had seen in Thailand this season.
Hardly any bleaching there, much more at e.g. Racha yai, and from what i heard some of the Pattaya sites.

Just like Jamie we will also provide our equipment, and in addition we will normally provide a guide from us as well, which means you'd dive with a private guide in stead of with a group.
There is now a second boat, Arowana, offering Phi Phi overnights, but with speedboat transfers and fewer dives, and of course different accommodations. The price is the same as for the Calypso trip.

You say you are thinking of doing this in a couple of weeks. It's important to note that trips will only be confirmed at this time of year when the operators have enough paying customers. There may be whole weeks that go by without a confirmed trip. Make sure you have a Plan B if this is your choice of dive trip.

Our shop also provides equipment and dive guides as desired.

As for the coral, I was just at Phi Phi today, and there is quite a lot bleaching, but it's clear that the zoothanthellae algae are now returning to the corals and anemones. It remains to be seen what percentage of the bleached marine life will bounce back to become healthy again.
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FYI, back on the subject of coral bleaching. I was having a few beers with a marine biologist working reef management issues in Thailand and he said the coral bleaching in Phi Phi was much worse than the Pattaya area. He said, based on his (extensive) survey, Phi Phi was the worst he had seen in Thailand. That's his job! He has no financial interest in this, one way or the other!
FYI, back on the subject of coral bleaching. I was having a few beers with a marine biologist working reef management issues in Thailand and he said the coral bleaching in Phi Phi was much worse than the Pattaya area. He said, based on his (extensive) survey, Phi Phi was the worst he had seen in Thailand. That's his job! He has no financial interest in this, one way or the other!
He does have a financial interest, as do I: he wants money for research, acknowledgement of a problem so he gets money, etc.

But: he is wrong, plain and simply wrong. Some bleaching in the Phi Phi area at the sites we dive at a regular basis, but not much. And a lot of the sites even show no bleaching whatsoever.

Nice to see he has been able to do an extensive survey of the Thai divesites in such a short timeframe though.
I finf his opinion more credible than dive center operators, sorry.

Also, to characterize him as having a opinion about Phi Phi "to ger more research funds" is un unfounded character attack on someone.

I found him credible and honest.
I found him credible and honest.
Up to you.

Also, to characterize him as having a opinion about Phi Phi "to ger more research funds" is un unfounded character attack on someone.
That is not what I said, just as you did not say I posted this because I have a financial interest there. And an unfounded character attack on who please? On an anonymous somebody who you claimed said something while enjoying a few beers. And I did not even say what you claim I said.

Maybe time to help the OP with his question about this trip? Ah, that's right, you can't.
Thanks heaps got the feedback guys. I've booked the trip through Phuket Scuba Club, I've dived with them before and thought they and their staff were great, so I hope they send one of their DM's.

And as i will be diving in Pattaya too, when I get back I'll post a definitive report for you all on any coral bleaching I see!:D

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