Opening a Navionic chart for Raymarine

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Pompano Beach, FL
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I just don't log dives
Is it possible to view/edit these charts using a regular CF card reader or does is require their $70 external card reader?

Paying around $150 dollars per chart may be tolerable but seems abusive to be forced to buy their card reader, specially when laptops come with built in readers.
Theres a little gadget that turns the type of mem card that my humminbird 987c si uses into a usb pen drive or wahtever you call those things, I got both the 512k card and the reader at walmart and itll work with any card of same type, makes computer think its a hard drive so i can fiddle with saved stuff direct or even store other stuff on there which the 987 just ignores. Technically if i could download all the navionics maps from somewhere i could just toss em on and the 987 would recognise them sitting there and use them.

As far as actually editing them once you can access them I dunno even what format they are but I dunno of anything that will do that.

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