One site or several in Costa Rica

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Devon UK
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50 - 99

I'm off to Costa Rica for a few weeks in March with my non diving partner, I'll probably squeeze in three days of diving, the question is would you recommend doing it all in one location or spread it around in different locations.

we'll be visiting most areas, South Caribbean, Nicoya, Manuel Antonio, Drakes bay etc. I've done a lot of my diving in the UK, so used to less than crystal clear waters.

thanks in advance

My recommendation would be to get in a couple of dives at the Catalina's from Flamingo, then some more at Isla Del Cano from Drake Bay. I am in Playa Zancudo right now and headed for Jinetes De OSA on 2/2 for four days of diving at Cano.
I just got back from Drake Bay. Went diving at Cano. Visibility was excellent. Lots of sharks, lots of rays, lots of big schools. Very fun.
It's a shame to be in Costa Rica and not dive Cocos Island, but it obviously wouldn't work within your parameters. Still, consider rearranging your plans—it's by far the best diving I have ever done.
My recommendation would be to get in a couple of dives at the Catalina's from Flamingo, then some more at Isla Del Cano from Drake Bay. I am in Playa Zancudo right now and headed for Jinetes De OSA on 2/2 for four days of diving at Cano.
Many thanks, this is kind of what I was leaning towards, been looking at Rich Coast Diving for the Catalina's, but it looks like a bit of a luck of the draw if they're going there on any given day.

---------- Post added February 4th, 2013 at 07:52 PM ----------

I just got back from Drake Bay. Went diving at Cano. Visibility was excellent. Lots of sharks, lots of rays, lots of big schools. Very fun.
ideal, sounds like just what I'm looking for

---------- Post added February 4th, 2013 at 07:54 PM ----------

It's a shame to be in Costa Rica and not dive Cocos Island, but it obviously wouldn't work within your parameters. Still, consider rearranging your plans—it's by far the best diving I have ever done.

I drool when I read about it, but not something I'll get away with on this trip.
I'm heading to Costa Rica in March too. I'll be there for two weeks, traveling all over the country. This will be my fourth trip to Costa Rica. My plan is to spend several days diving in Playas del Coco, including a trip to Catalina (provided they get enough people), then one day out to Isla del Cano. I've done local diving off Manuel Antonio...not great, vis was bad and not much to see. I haven't dived the Caribbean side, as I'm told it's just not worth it.

I'll be diving with Rich Coast in Playas del Coco. They really are a great operation, and we've enjoyed diving with them in the past.

Just out of curiosity, what are your dates in Playas del Coco? I'll be there March 22-25. I've also hooked up with another Scubaboarder who will be there the same dates, and we've arranged to dive together. Wouldn't it be fun if you were there the same dates? We'd definitely have enough for a Catalina trip! We're also hoping to book a night dive or two, which will also be dependent on them getting enough divers to do it.

What are your

not completely buttoned down our schedule yet, but those dates are definitely a good possibility, particularly 23rd & 24th.

Hi Dave,

Drop me a PM if you think you might be in Playas del Coco over March 22-25. We're still working out our dive schedule, but the plan so far is to do local dives on the 23rd, and then on the 24 & 25th we'll do a day trip to Catalina one day, and another day of local dives. We're also going to do one night of night diving (not sure which yet).

Would be fun to connect up with another Scubaboarder there! Here's the link to the dive op we're using:
Just throwing this out there, but Rocket Frog Divers, another dive shop located near Playa del Coco (4 minutes away in Playa Ocotal), also offers Catalinas. They have a boat that can get there in 50% or less of the time that any other shop in the area can. Like Rich Coast, they dont go every day either, but worth checking out to see if they have a big enough group together (only need 4), any of the days youre there..

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