OMS 94lb lift with IQ Pack L/XL with air2

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Reaction score
United States
# of dives
2500 - 4999
I have OMS 94lb lift banded single bladder with stainless steel backplate and single tank mount. It is a L/XL with the weight integrated pockets and a scuba pro Air2. It is in very good overall shape and would like to get 400$ plus shipping for it. Paypal Only to trades this is too big for me im 5'8" 185 IMG_0790.jpgIMG_0791.jpgIMG_0792.jpgIMG_0793.jpgIMG_0794.jpgIMG_0795.jpgIMG_0796.jpgIMG_0797.jpgIMG_0798.jpgIMG_0799.jpgIMG_0800.jpg
Sold 250$ thanks eBay and Scubaboard payment pending

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