The Auto exposure compensation on my [new] TG-6 is blowing out all the highlights. I set it on Auto per suggestion in the manual and have seen this same recommendation in other articles. It seems to do this with or without lights (Big Blue vlc1500PPM). So far I can fix some of them in post processing but would like to tune it so this does not keep happening. (The controls on this are confusing compared to DSLR). Since this is my first blue water trp with the new rig, expectations are low but had expected a little better than this. One of the issues is I did not have enough opportunity to work with it before my blue water dive. In the quarries I dive at home, everything is dark and green, blowing out a pic from too much light never has been a concern. Topside the pics come out OK. I am using this in an Ikelitte housing so wondering if that can somehow affect the light metering. I'm shooting ORF.