I have an Olympus Stylus 710 with the Oly PT-032 housing and Sea & Sea YS-25 auto strobe for sale. I purchased this setup from another Scubaboard user earlier this year and took it to Roatan and used it for my week's diving there. When I purchased it, the camera works, but the lens cover fails to shut on power down. Worried that it might fail, I purchased a second Stylus 710 from an ebay seller and used that one on my dives and kept the other one as backup. So the package would include both cameras, two mem cards, two batteries and chargers, the manuals and a spare housing and strobe o-ring. The whole set comes in a Pelican 1450 case. There is a small o-ring that holds the fiber optic cable from the camera to the strobe in place and it is torn and needs to be replaced. It doesn't provide any water tightness, it only holds the cable in place when plugged in. I used the broken o-ring on my trip and it works, but I would recommend getting a new one to replace the broken one. All in all, it is a nice little point and shoot setup. I am asking $300 plus another $15 to cover shipping (UPS to US addresses). Thanks for looking.