olympus c-4000

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has anyone used this digital camera and it it any good..also is there a housing for it..thanks
Look ---->HERE

Gilligan gets great results from his C-4000 and PT-10 housing.
Am using the camera and the Oly PT-010 housing for a year now. Am quite happy with it. Am trying to save some money to buy an external flash, I expect even better results with it. I have posted some pictures in the Scubaboard gallery. Have a look, see if you like it.
I've got the same setup, haven't gotten it wet yet due to pregnancy, but will very, very soon. I've used the camera and love it. Just got the housing.


ScubaWim, do you have a link for your pics.
I have the same set up and am also saving up for the inon D-180 Strobe.
I have gotten some really good shots, and i've seen some awsome shots from
some of the users here.

Good Luck
I have the C4000Z in a PT-010 and am happy with it. There are plenty of them on the market.

If you can afford the price difference go with the 5050 in the PT-015 as the camera has more functions, if that matters to you.
I have the oly C4000 with the PT010 housing. I love it, I think I take better pictures underwater than I do out. I tried to do a home portrait & could never get the lighting just right (mind you I was using a home made lighting system) but as far as outdoor shots it's great and Underwater, Ive even sold a couple of underwater photo's taken by the oly c4000. $ to quality, Im extremly satisfied.
I have some of my photo's on this dive site, just click on April

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