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PPGo Deep

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Hi to everyone! Have been diving for a few years - mainly cold water (B.C. coast) and some warm water. I am brand new to computers, tho! Just found this site by accident and it's great to read so many great tips, etc. I am planning a trip to Costa Rica and have heard there are big animals there, whale sharks, etc. Any advice?
Hello Bonney, I have a friend from Costa Rica that never stops talking about how awesome it is down there. I'm sure you'll have a blast! Now... what kind of computer did you wind up picking up?

The most important peice of advice I can offer right now, is to learn how to use the unit. Don't just get it wet and figure it out as you go.

Sea you in the deep blue!

Hi Mario! As far as I know, this is an IBM compatible - that's about as much as I know! I really only wanted something to send emails (my buds tell me I was about the last person on the planet to get it!) and find stuff on the internet - we do a fair bit of travelling and I'm told this is the way to go. We're planning on the hostel route and exploring as we go in Costa Rica. My main interest is in seeing large animals - I dabble in underwater photography and have mainly shot macro. I would love to see some big stuff! Any info you have about where to go - preferably away from the maddening crowd - would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Now that's what I'd call a diving geek!
I was just trying to figure out where the hardcore techie would rig his/her favorite desktop. Maybe that's what happened to the laptop that was found under the pier during our earthday cleanup!

Welcome Bonney... Can you turn me on to some nice shore dives in BC?


Hi Kate! Diving on the BC coast is mainly boat diving because the terrain is not too conducive to shore diving - but had done some in the Campbell River - Quadra Island area. Really fabulous life on the coast in abundance. A definite must see.

LOL, you guys kill me! I was referring to the Dive Computer or better known as Divus Computerus... LOL!

Sea you in the Deep Blue!

Mario! I was wondering what the heck you where talking about! Being a total technophob - I thought I was doing pretty well with just this one! A dive computer might be a little much! I've been diving the old fashioned way for too long, anyways. My gear has never let me down yet but one thing at a time, I guess. How good is the diving in Costa Rica anyway? Have you been there? I've been to Roatan (Honduras) and Bonaire, but both on the Caribbean side. I was wondering since Costa Rica is on two oceans, which is better?

Hey Mario, I got caught too. I thought PPGo Deep was talking about dive computers too, until the comment about "IBM compatible".

PPGo Deep - what's the water temperature like in BC? I was thinking of visiting friends in the fall. Good diving then?
Hi there Diving Gal! Water is very cool in B.C. 49-52 degrees. We wear dry suits. Have lots of friends who brave in 8mm wet suits, tho. I did a week that way some years ago but I don't have much insulation and blue lips and shaking hands make it hard to enjoy after-dive hot chocolate! Weather was quite cold then, tho. Fall is a great time to go. Vis has usually cleared up by then and weather is still beautiful. The miserable stuff usually starts by mid-October. Where abouts are you headed?
Most of my friends are in the greater Vancouver area (I use to live in Vancouver on W12th), but I also have relatives on the island. So I figure it's "mooch" time.

Although I'd like to head this fall, I may not get there until next fall.

I'd even call 49-52 cold. Drysuit definite attire. Thanks for info. May ask more later (I'll send an e-mail to you)

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