Ogden Point video

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amazing dive yesterday swankenstein thank you very much for coming and hope to do it again next time i'm in victoria.
awesome I have not been there since the mid nineties Love that spot, Thanks man
great video! That is a scary looking animal...
The low-quality gives it that "artsy" feeling. Yeah, that's it.
By the way, I saw a bunch of divers from the mainland this evening at Enterprise Channel. And I thought I was the only person that went there. They picked a good time because there was very little current. They were swimming out to the right (the opposite direction to the good stuff I like). I wonder if they were going that way for a reason or they just randomly picked a place to swim to. I didn't wait around 'till they got back. Just wondering if any of them are on this board.
Those videos were excellent! I've been to the breakwater many times and never realized all that was below. I can't wait to start learning to dive there!

Cheers, from

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