Octopus, a threat to divers? Check out the video...

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North Vancouver British Columbia
Hey folks,

I never knew that octopus were capable of what is shown in the video at the following link.


Do you think it is possible that a large octopus could be a possible threat to divers?

Somehow i don't think that it is very likely, whatdo you think?

Moderators, feel free to move this post to another forum if you feel it is more appropriate somehwere else.
wow - that was pretty cool. Glad I wasn't that shark.
Whoa, I've never seen anything like that. I like looking at octopus. Remind me not to do my shark imitation around them next time :)
Well, two things.

First, how big is the shark and how big is the octopus?

Second, has there been any observation of this activity in the wild? If not, then perhaps the issue is that the octopi weren't getting fed enough... or the sharks were provoking them.
The sharks that were found killed by the octopus were 3 to 4 ft long. That gives you an idea about the size of the octopus in the video. If you listen, you will hear the narrator tell you how large the sharks were. I've seen this video before and yes, it is pretty cool.

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