Ocotal trip report

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Chicago, Illinois
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100 - 199
Just returned from a week at Ocotal. Can't say enough good things about it. Weather was perfect, and the people were absolutely awesome -- very attentive and gracious. The staff at the dive shop was great -- friendly and knowledgeable. Also not too restrictive -- very much let us do our own thing. Vis on the local dives was just so-so (generally 20 to 30 feet), but chock full of life. Water temps generally in the low to mid 70s, with a few cold spots here and there.

We also did Catalina and Bat Islands, and those were outstanding -- well worth the extra price. Saw a colossal manta at Catalina, along with countless eagles. Also saw more morays out in daylight (at Catalina and elsewhere) than any of us ever had. The big prize, though, was at Bat -- a large school of bull sharks. Also saw two humpbacks on the surface, and we were escorted part of the way back by a school of spotted dolphins.
You're bringing back great memories of my last trip to Costa Rica. We stayed at Ocotal as well so am happy to hear they are doing well.

With the exception of the humpback whales and the spotted dolphins, we saw the same at Catalina and Bats Island. :bounce:

Welcome home Thanks for posting.
We were at Ocotal the same week... sorry I didnt get to meet you, our group was split between two boats. We dove Catalina on Tues and had really poor vis with a few stingrays and morays. We dove Bats on Wed and Thur and encountered many Bull sharks at the first site, named "big scare", The second site on each day at Bats was called "black rock".... should have been named "black water" :) because on both days the vis there was atrocious, however this was the site where we saw the most eagle rays. Diving the 'big scare" twice was worth the entire trip for me. I really liked the DMs ( Flaco and Sebastian) as well as the rest of the dive shop. Flaco told me that they had seen a big Manta at Catalina the day before.... must have been with your group !
I'm sure we saw each other -- we flew back to Miami with one of the guys from your group. Yes, I'm sure Sebastian was talking about our siting. I was able to get some photos of it as it soared above me (which I'll post as soon as I can). Looked like a jumbo jet.

I'm sure we saw the same bulls your group did -- but sounds like our vis was a bit better -- probably 25-30 feet. Not great but good enough.
Here are a few pics, both below and above water. Sorry for the quality of the uw ones -- vis was just not conducive to great art -- but what a rush!


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