I am great friends and business partners with Gilles Essiembre of Moncton, NB. He is an ultramarathoner and not a diver, however, he told me of a customer who got on his breathing program and then went to Cuba to dive the Garden of the Gods. He raved about his bottom time. Gilles had increased this guy's VO2 Max, increased his lung volume by over 1 Liter and turned him into a much slower, more peaceful mindful breather. This translated into longer bottom time...so long he was outpacing the DMs and this blew his mind as he has over 600 dives. He has an online program that entails online teaching, equipment that is drop shipped to you and monitoring for over 6 months after you acheive huge gains in 6 weeks, his claim to success that has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. This is not a snake oil claim. Gilles will be happy to speak with anyone that queries him. You can reach out directly at gilles@o2max.ca.
His company is O2 Max which can be found at Book your Online Fitness Training Personal Training – O2Max
I posted in the travel Hawaii forum that we would be going to Oahu to train a bunch of swimmers and would love to train divers.
I've attached his brochure as well. This helped my bottom time immensely. I no longer have to wait til the end of a trip to come up with the best breather on the boat. I am the most efficient diver on the boat now. For shore diving it is so awesome BUT I now need to get my friends on this protocol as well so we don't have to come up early.
His company is O2 Max which can be found at Book your Online Fitness Training Personal Training – O2Max
I posted in the travel Hawaii forum that we would be going to Oahu to train a bunch of swimmers and would love to train divers.
I've attached his brochure as well. This helped my bottom time immensely. I no longer have to wait til the end of a trip to come up with the best breather on the boat. I am the most efficient diver on the boat now. For shore diving it is so awesome BUT I now need to get my friends on this protocol as well so we don't have to come up early.