Nudies from Guam

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Took these last weekend. First I found out I had run out of good film (these are on cheap AGFA print film). Then my camera took a dump (off to nikon it goes). Did get a few so so shots though.


On big Navy
What happened to your camera?
Dee once bubbled...
What happened to your camera?

The rear command dial, the one that controls the aperture, Mode select, ISO setting, basically everything important, quit working. Camera is stuck on lowest aperture, Program mode, ISO 125. All other controls work fine. Tried all the standard fixes, two button reset, removal of batteries, with power off and on, different lens, clean lens contacts etc. I expressed it off to Nikon, haven’t heard back from them yet.
Did you whack it? LOL! I used to have a S&S MMII that would have film advance and strobe problems. Nothing I did would fix it. I would send it in and the first thing Jophn would want to know is did I whack it! That was always his cure all in the field!
Dee once bubbled...
Did you whack it? LOL! I used to have a S&S MMII that would have film advance and strobe problems. Nothing I did would fix it. I would send it in and the first thing Jophn would want to know is did I whack it! That was always his cure all in the field!

Whacking it is a guy thing (did I say that?). You would be quite surprised at what I have fixed with a good whack! Actually a couple of F-15 pilots would be surprised too ;-}. I actually didn't "whack" my camera, it was more of a strong tap. Hey it wasn't working anyways, right?
:rofL: Somehow I knew that about you! :wink:
Is that what you get for not getting a
S2 pro?
The S3 is coming out in the spring..... ........................ this is a rumor:D

Dive safe,

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