Not a good phone call

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Gary D.

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Post Falls, Idaho
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
I've been under those docks over a hundred times and that bottom could use another boat! :D

If it had sank, it would have rested just a few yards from the tug.

Glad it was saved, though.
Gary D.:
This is not the kind of call you want to get from the marina.

Gary D.

Glad to see it worked out...
Isn't there some law or regulation about messing with wrecks? Aren't you required to leave them alone for the archaeologists?

Seriously, though, I'm sorry to see someone's boat sink in its slip like that. I'm glad to see that it wasn't worse.
Vessel CPR extradinaire!!.....looks like avery cherry boat too, BTW.
Gary, thats absolutely terrible! What exactly caused the boat to flood? Bad gasket on the I/O??
That is MY slip!

But not my boat. I let my buddy use it.

He left the pump in the slip off and we had a fast overnight freeze. The ice poked a hole about the size of a silver dollar. We couldn't even find it until we got the boat on the trailer.

It pays to have good mooring lines. That is all that held her up.

Oh well, he was planning on pulling it out anyway. :D

Gary D.

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