Diveheart recently presented to Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences at Northwestern University. Tinamarie discussed the physical benefits of scuba diving and how they apply to physical therapy.
Looking for a guest speaker or presentation for your group? Reach out to info@diveheart.org
#physicaltherapy #recreationaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #therapist #medicalresearch #physicaltherapist #physicians #disability #scubadiving #scubatherapy #northwesternuniversity

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11Syed Abd Rahman, Debbie Covert-Kleier and 9 others

#physicaltherapy #recreationaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #therapist #medicalresearch #physicaltherapist #physicians #disability #scubadiving #scubatherapy #northwesternuniversity

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11Syed Abd Rahman, Debbie Covert-Kleier and 9 others