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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Arlington, Va
# of dives
200 - 499
Long time reader first time poster. I just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I have been diving for a little over a year now and have started to work on my dive master certification. I love to dive in warm waters but I also enjoy wreck diving and deep diving (although I find that they usually go together). On top of that I still frequent a quarry not to far from here to practice my skills when I get a chance
Well welcome to the fun and games...
I love to dive in warm waters but I also enjoy wreck diving and deep diving (although I find that they usually go together). On top of that I still frequent a quarry not to far from here to practice my skills when I get a chance

Totally agree with you with the warm waters, wreck diving and practicing skills.

I hope to get down to NC to dive in the "Graveyard of the North Atlantic" this summer, have you done any of the wrecks there?
Welcome to the board, from NJ!
Many here prefer the warm water,and we also have a large number of cool to cold water divers.
Enjoy the board,
good luck,
Welcome from Texas! We dive in the local quarries alot, too. Jump right in on the discussions and we'll be cheering you on during your DM training!

Would love to hear the story behind your nickname! :D
Glad to have you aboard. I am glad you stopped lurking and jumped in the pond.


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