newbie requesting Coz trip advice ...

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Austin, TX
Hi Folks,

My wife and I got certified last August (we live in Austin, TX) and did a shore dive in St. Thomas soon thereafter. We're now ready to take a "real" drive trip and head down to Cozumel! I've done some research online and have pretty much settled on staying at Villablanca and diving with Papa Hogs. I'd appreciate any advice or comments on this itinerary, including whether or not you think it's good for newbies. We're looking for a dive operator that will take things a little slower for us and focus on safety. I've read good things about the couple that runs Papa Hogs, but any others you think might suit us better would be appreciated.

I have a few questions I was hoping you Coz experts could answer:

1. We're planning to go Feb 26 - Mar 1. Will the weather be OK? What about water temperature?

2. We don't have wet suits of dive skins. What would you recommend for Coz that time of year? I've read a skin is ok for some but others need 3mm suits. We don't plan to take trips to cold water, so ideally we'd want a recommendation on a good skin/suit to cover most caribbean destinations.

3. BCs - we don't have them, do most of the dive operators provide them along with the reg, weights and tanks? We're considering buying them but kinda wanted to take a real dive trip first before we invest.

4. Currents - I'm a little concerned about some of the stories I've read about the current being like a jetstream. Since we're new drivers and I'm generally a pretty conservative person, I worry about being swept into things or getting separated from the group. Are the currents really that strong?

Thanks very much in advance, this board really helped me out with some mask clearing problems I had getting certified. It's a great resource, hopefully I can reciprocate to another newbie after my trip!

Well I'll be the first to step up and try to answer some of these. I'm headed to Coz for Carnival Feb 20-27, staying at Villablanca and diving with Papa Hogs, but since you'll be there before I get back, my trip report won't help much! :)

Weather: Daytime should be warm and sunny, temps probably in the 80's or so. Nighttimes are a little cooler but still nice, maybe mid-70's or so, depending. Nortes come in sometimes during the winter/early spring so pack a light jacket just in case, but otherwise you'll be fine in shorts and t-shirts. I always take a light rain jacket--that way I'm prepared for anything.

Water temps: Dive reports in the past several weeks have shown water temps mostly in the 78-79 degree range. This can vary according to the dive site, just like the currents.

Wetsuits: This is a tough question for someone else to answer as the level of exposure protection depends on your personal tolerance for cold. Keep in mind that you will be losing body heat with every dive, so by diving 2 dives a day over a few days, you may be more easily chilled by the end of your vacation. The general mantra is that it's better to be too warm than too cold--you can always cool off by letting a little water in the wetsuit during the dive. Most people dive warm water destinations in anything from a bathing suit to a full 3 mil, and some who dive more often require even thicker suits. I would recommend at the VERY least that you and your wife get dive skins for protection from abrasions and stingy things.

BC's: You can rent BC's, regs and any other gear you'll need from Papa Hogs. Tanks/weights/belt are included in the dive prices.

Currents: These vary by dive site, day of the week, time of the year, weather, full moon, Cancer rising in the 7th get the idea. Currents in Coz are unpredictable and there is no way to tell how they'll be while you are there. I've had a current switch direction on me during a dive, and I've also dove a site one day where currents were crazy, then went back the next and it was calm as bathwater. I really wouldn't worry about the currents--you and your wife are newbies and the DM will be checking the current at each dive site before he even lets you in the water. As newbies, they will keep a closer eye on you and be there to assist if you have any problems. People get certified in Coz every day and dive sites vary from beginner to very advanced so Papa Hogs won't take you to sites that you aren't ready for.

Basically speaking, you guys are going to have a GREAT time. If you have any questions, email or call Margaret at Papa Hogs and talk to her. Hope to see you at the Papa Hogs cafe when you get there. A group of us from another message board are having a big BBQ 2/26--ask Margaret for details! :)

You are gonna have a great time!

I also live in Austin, so I can be a little more specific. I have found that renting gear in Austin and taking it to Coz has several advantages over renting down there. I rent gear from Oak Hill Scuba (tell Mark that Gordon sez HI), and the deal I get saves me money, especially since I like to shore dive. I stay at Lorena (now Caribe Blu) which you will see many times, as it is the next hotel toward town from Villablanca, and we like to put in at Villablanca and drift dive back to our digs.

An added advantage is that I use the same gear every dive, and maintenance is the responsibility of someone I know and trust in the city where I live instead of someone in another country whom I may never see again.

As to wetsuits, I dive in a 3 mm shorty that I bought at Academy (I-35 at William Cannon), which was a lot less expensive than the same suit with a dive logo on it. I have always been totally comfortable in it, but I am there in May when the water temp is usually about 83 degrees, so YMMV.

I have some info posted at that may be helpful to you. Enjoy your trip!
As to wetsuits, I dive in a 3 mm shorty that I bought at Academy (I-35 at William Cannon), which was a lot less expensive than the same suit with a dive logo on it. I have always been totally comfortable in it, but I am there in May when the water temp is usually about 83 degrees, so YMMV.

Just wanted to add that Academy also sells full wetsuits--a friend of mine bought a Body Glove 3 mil full suit for less than $100 at the Academy here in Dallas. It has a big obnoxious logo on it but the cost savings are worth it! :)
I stayed at the Villablanca from 1/6-13 and loved the place: nice, unpretentious, and very convenient to my dive op across the street, Dive Paradise. DP and Hog's are next door to each other. It's a $4 -5 cab ride into town.
I have heard a lot of good things about Hog's here on the board, but went with DP because of a special deal. Cattle boats, but I was happy.
You can get breakfast and lunch at either Hoggtown cafe or the Villablanca's poolside snack bar, where I ate most breakfasts. Say hi to Nancy at the snack bar for me, the guy who had to be rescued by ladder when his room lock broke (she'll know who you mean).
If it's open, try the restaurant above DP. A funky one-man operation, but good and cheap.

A word about wetsuits: The water varied betwween 78-82 while I was there, so I would reccomend 3 mil or better jumpsuits. And don't forget a hood or beanie. If that's not warm enough, you can always buy or rent a vest to layer underneath.
You can get breakfast and lunch at either Hoggtown cafe or the Villablanca's poolside snack bar, where I ate most breakfasts. Say hi to Nancy at the snack bar for me, the guy who had to be rescued by ladder when his room lock broke (she'll know who you mean).
If it's open, try the restaurant above DP. A funky one-man operation, but good and cheap.

Thanks for the report! What's this about a restaurant above DP--what kind of food does this guy have? Is he open for lunch? I'm always up for trying places that have good, cheap food! :)
Thanks for the report! What's this about a restaurant above DP--what kind of food does this guy have? Is he open for lunch? I'm always up for trying places that have good, cheap food! :)

The place was closed until the last night we were there. Nancy at Villablanca told up that the place seemed to have trouble making a go of it, and the chef had just quit.
I had just gotten in from a pretty rough night dive and was in no mood for the fun and games of going into town. Lo and behold, the place was open! We had the place to ourselves, and both got a grilled shrimp platter with a ton of huge shrimp for about $7 each. The bartender/waiter/chef/floorshow did an admirable job. It's a bar overlooking the water, complete with hanging sombreros, hanging Xmas lights, and other assorted Mexican kitch. The restroom is used by divers and staff from Dive Paradise dripping wet. It's that kind of joint, just what I go to Coz hoping to find. If and when he'll be open is anybody's guess.
Many thanks to all that have taken the time to respond. Lots of good info here, my wife and I are really getting excited. I should be booking this week thru Expedia (seems to be the best deal for airfare and Villablanca) and already spoke with Papa Hogs.

FYI, parrotheaddiver asked about ladies sizes at Academy. I called, the Research store in Austin has mens and ladies 3mm shorties for $69, not a bad deal.

Have a great time

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