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Hi all,

Well, after spending a very scary cold xmas in the UK, I am ready to return to the diving world! Have read a few of the threads here and on the women only sites and decided that I should definately be in on this! Possibly because I am rather opinionated and needed to let my thoughts known!! Only joking, It's great to stumble across this and I hope that I can be of some help one day to someone! Going to read advice and opinions....

Cheers all!
There's no one that fits that description here!!!!

Welcome from Connecticut - USA

Happy Diving!
Scuba-sass :)
Welcome to the Board, from NJ.
As far as opinions go, there are many floating around the board-all shapes, sizes, and textures.
Good luck,
as Scuba-sass says "opinionated" us? nah, we've just strong ideas and stand behind them hehehe.

Welcome to the fun and games, you should fit in just fine:D
This really is a great place to be. While the discussions do occasionally get a little emotional there is a lot of good information to be gained from them. Can't wait to see what you have to add to the fray!
Ber :bunny:
and a WARM Welcome from Sunny Blue Sky ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state.

Very glad to have you aboard :balloon:

A thought about female divers, the attitude of men are not better divers but only different would make group dives more interesting.


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