New urchin rake video

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Eric Sedletzky

Reaction score
Santa Rosa, California
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
I gave Bob Erlach my prototype “Claw” urchin rake to try out. It’s a rake that I specifically designed to remove purple urchins. It has a hook on the end to pick urchins out of cracks and hard to reach places, and also has several tines that capture urchins so you can swoop them into your bag.
I have made several different models of urchin rakes and this one seems to be the easiest to use, it’s efficient and proves good results. Video courtesy of Bob Erlach.
Unreal man even plays a tune and when you're on the beach cooking up your urchin abalone marinara
you can use it to serve up the pasta
One guy on Instagram even commented how cool it sounded.
Maybe I’m on to something besides Freedom Plates, custom musical urchin rakes.

Can you play Stairway on it?

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