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Thousand Oaks, California
Hello everyone from Southern California. I've been reading this board for a while and have learned a lot. I just wanted to introduce myself and get to know you better. I got my OW certification last month and I'll be finishing my AOW on Nov. 1. I just can't believe how this sport has captured my attention. I find it hard to think of anything else.
Being the adventureous type, this fits right into my lifestyle.
I hope to expand my adventures to Search and Rescue and take up underwater photography. My first boat dive is next week at Anacapa.... very excited about that!
I'd love to hear where I should visit for my first tropical dive. I want to plan my next vacation soon. Thanks :)
Welcome to the board!

I too am newly ceritified and totally addicted!!! We no sooner get out of the water from one dive when we ask where the next one will be. Fortuneatly I live in a great place to just pick up and go diving (w/in a 1 drive at the least).

Sorry I can't give you any advice on tropical dive sites since I am a newbie myself. My SO and I have a trip to the Keys in 14 days and that may be as tropical as I get for a while unless a rich relitive dies (of which neither of us have a rich relative) or we win the lottery (and we don't play) LOLOL

Once again, congrats and welcome!!!

Laurel- The Frog Queen
passion diver once bubbled...
I just can't believe how this sport has captured my attention. I find it hard to think of anything else.
Being the adventureous type, this fits right into my lifestyle.
yes I know what you mean, I'm totally addicted and I'm always peering into the sea checking the visibility !
Welcome to the board/have fun :)
I know exactly how you feel! I'm newly certified and am constantly thinking about where I can do a dive (and fit it into my and my family's schedule). Being essentially land-locked in Ohio doesn't help much although there are at least 6 quarries with about 2hrs drive (that I know of!). It's getting a bit cold for the 5/3 wetsuit I bought, but I'm still trying to get one more dive in.

My wife had the idea that I could drive my in-laws' car to Florida and they could fly. (She worries about them driving so far at their ages.) At this point, they already have round-trip tickets to fly back from Florida at Christmas, but are considering taking me up on the idea next year. (My father-in-law has agreed, but my wife is still working on her mom.)

A few days diving as a "reward" for getting their car to FL sounds great to me. Oh well, I can still plan for our vacation to FL in the spring!

Welcome to the board!

More fun than underwater photography is underwater VIDEO.

Make sure you check that out, before you plunge into a still camera.

You non-diving friends will be rivited by your underwater movies.

Pictures are ho-hum. Practically everything under the sea has been photographed about a million times. Nothing much is new anymore.
video? ... that's a great idea. And you are right about everyone taking pictures. Is video more expensive to get into than the still photos?:confused:

welcome ! This is such a GREAT site ! I m sure you will enjoy it....hmmm, I just got certified and have dove around Redang Island . Check out Lang Tengah Island or Perhentian Island on East Coast of West Malaysia. Since you are AOW, perhaps u would want to check out places like Sipadan or Layang Layang Islands , that would be East Malaysia. I think Malaysia is relatively cheaper compared to places like Thailand and the Philipines, as charges are in the local currency and not in USD.

mark :rainbow:

The Keys are 6 hours away so that is a special trip for us (13 days and counting!!)

Normally we drive about an hour to one of the springs or an hour an a half to West Palm Beach to dive off of Blue Heron Bridge. A great shore dive only its VERY tide dependant. Its a one tank dive but well worth it. I'm sure as we get more into it time wise, we'll find more spots.

Laurel- The Frog Queen

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