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Cheyenne, WY
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0 - 24
Hi, my name is Richard Brown. I’m new to scuba diving and thrilled to be part of this community. I’ve always been fascinated by the underwater world and the incredible marine life. After reading and watching numerous documentaries, I decided to take the plunge and learn scuba diving. While I’m new to scuba diving, I’ve spent a lot of time snorkeling and swimming in Florida and Hawaii which I hope will help me as I learn the ropes of diving. I’m eager to learn everything I can, from the technical aspects to understanding marine ecosystems better.

I’m especially looking forward to my training sessions and getting certified for advance open water. I understand that safety is paramount in scuba diving, and I’m dedicated to following all guidelines and best practices. I’m also committed to respecting and preserving the marine environment. I’d love to hear any tips or advice from experienced divers. I’m looking forward to learning from everyone and embarking on this exciting journey together.
It's quiet around here at the moment, Richard Brown, weekend, people are diving washing gear making plans

Thanks for coming we will speak more again soon and when the rest of the guys turn up so keep on listening

Buoyancy is good!

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