New Post, and server speed - I don't like it.

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Rick Inman

ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I don't like it.

I LOVE it!!:D

The newer, faster SB is great!

And the New Posts drop-down menu is perfect. If I want to just hit New Posts and not use the drop down I can, just as always. If I want to just go to classified, I can. Or just see my own threads, instead of having to go to Advanced Search and type in my user name and all that.

And my favorite change of all, I can just hit All Things Scuba and get to the best of ScubaBoard! :eyebrow:

Nice job, El O. In the back room, everyone had an opinion (as usual) including someone who didn't want the change at all, and somehow you managed to include every suggestion, even bypassing the drop down menu.

Great job.
I'm with Rick -- GREAT job! I LOVE being able to browse just the Scuba threads. Thank you!
Kudos to the Scuba Board staff,running at high speed now.
Yup,works just GREAT,this is an update that REALY ads.
Good speed and the dropdown is just........... well GREAT.:D

One of the nice things is,you don't HAVE to use the dropdown menu.
As i am educated in IT infrastructure and have in the past spent several years managing back end servers i must admit that up until now i was very frustrated with the lack of speed of this site however the knowledge and personalities on the site more than made up for it. Now i have the best of both worlds and because i know how much planning goes into a migration like this and how nerve wracking it can be when the data is at risk i applaud whomever managed the project to its succesful completion.

kudos from a fellow geek!

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