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ourside nyc
hi all; new participant here; just finished my first pool class and my second classroom. I have to say the pool thing was weird, all dressed up like a black neophrene sausage with 50 other divers and a load of plastic fish in the bottom of a college pool....but it DID get better ;-) I was a little worried about feeling claustrophobic, but by the end of the first three hour pool session, i was having a ball.

I'm in jersey, my s/o is a divemaster on a dot in the atlantic, and i'm going to go do my certification dives in April (he has no idea....geez, will THAT be a suprise...)

anyway, nice "meeting" you all; i look forward to reading about your adventures!

Welcome -

The open water (if it is warm) is much better than the pool.

We took our open water in Minnesota in October with a water temperature of 48. That was miserable! However, two weeks later in the warm waters off of Grand Cayman - Now that was heaven!!

Hang in there it is worth it.
minnesota? 48 degrees! I give you a lot of instructor was rhapsodizing about resevoir diving, in may, in north jersey which i can't imagine is any warmer....I'll stick to St.

Glad to have you join the "family". You'll have a grand time here. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

One for you though "my s/o is a divemaster on a dot in the atlantic" . . . a dot in the atlantic? what di you mean by that?
Welcome to the Board, from another "Jersey Diver"-although it has been a long time since I braved the chill.Warm water only, now.
Good luck with your OW, and enjoy the boards,
Hi from kingston Ontario Canada.. Welcome to the SCUBA BOARD. Hope you enjoy the forum. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Hope all your days are wet ones.. or dry depending on how you dive..

Dive safe... and often..

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