New in Cali

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San Jose, CA
Hey all, been diving for 7 years, and just found the board tonight. I've completed Naui OW, YMCA advanced and rescue, and Padi Advanced. (BTW, as far as the rivalries between them, I think it all goes to the instructor.)

I'm also an EMT-1, and would love to take the DMT class. Anyone have experience with it?


PS-leaving for Palau in about a week!!
but WELCOME anyway! Palau.....lucky you! We will anxiously await your trip report. I haven't been there so you'll have to make it a very descriptive one! Have a great time!

I'll be leaving for Roatan in I don't feel too too deprived of blue water....I am so excited. Will be diving wkends locally until then.

Glad you found the is very informative and entertaining.
Dive safe, Dive Often and enjoy the boards.

Rich :mean:
I am also in SJ, and also an EMT-1! welcome to the boards! I just got certified, and found lots of great information on here that has helped me!
We are falling behind the Texans; good to see another of us on the board!

Do you ever dive Jade Cove? I keep trying to, but I get there when the big waves make it into a giant rock tumbler.
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here & Dive Safe...................Arduous

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