New Housing Question

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This is probably one to file under the "stupid question" section, but here goes. I have my new housing (well almost, UPS notwithstanding). I have DEPP insurance (or at least I will do by the time I take anything underwater).

Just as a precaution I was going to take just the housing down with me on the first dive, to see if it has any leaks without trashing my new camera. The real question is whether the extra airspace within the housing, normally occupied by the camera, is going to cause any additional stress and risk the housing.



I'm not qualified to answer how the camera sits in that housing as I have a different make.....but many people take the housing under for a "DRY" run (no pun intended :D )

I should hope that the housing cannot flex enough to cause it to crack at recreational depths. As it is I do not think the cameras in the PT-010( I think thats the housing you're talking about) touch the walls of the housing anyway.

I'm almost certain there would be no problem .... but I'll let PT-010 owners give you the OK....
Ruu....we always suggest you take a new housing down without the camera to test it. My PT-10 went to 90ft it's first dive. Be sure to put the counter weight on it and you'll still have a bit of positive bouyancy to deal with. I put a dry paper towel inside to make sure I noticed the teensiest of leaks...there were none.

Just so you know, you will notice tiny bubbles coming from the hinge area...this is normal! It's just outside air space filling up....but it's scarey the first time you see it! :wacko:
If you think I've got questions now, just wait until after I've actually tried to use the camera. Half of all my posts to this board have been in the photography section, and I don't even have my camera yet...

Is that a warning or a promise? :rofL:

You can't ask a question that someone else hasn't already asked or has an answer for.....most probably!
Just so you know, you will notice tiny bubbles coming from the hinge area...this is normal! It's just outside air space filling up....but it's scarey the first time you see it!

Dee, wait till you see your air bubbles collect under the inside of the hood on the new PT015 at 30m.... :wacko:
ReyeR once bubbled...
Dee, wait till you see your air bubbles collect under the inside of the hood on the new PT015 at 30m.... :wacko:

I just wish my poor little puny C-4040 HAD a hood! :( I'm not a very good DIY'er so unless a) an existing hood will fit and b) someone knows how to get one, I guess I'll never know!
I'm glad I thought to mentioned it! :D
Ruu sez:
If you think I've got questions now, just wait ...

I say , ask 'em. I haven't made the investment in a UW camera yet., so I've got lots of questions, too. I'll let you ask 'em, et the kind folks here answer, and reap the benefits of their experience.

Maybe that way I'll not have to ask so many myself.


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