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British Virgin Islands
Hello :)

I'm new here, and just thought I'd say "hi".
I'm new to diving, as well... I have my OW certification, which I got in April, and so far I've done 14 dives. I tend to go diving about twice a month, because I live in the Virgin Islands, which is pretty "dive friendly".
So far, I love it -- I always wanted to be a mermaid when I was a kid. I never considered diving before I moved here, though, (which was 6 months ago). It was actually my husband's idea that I get certified so I can go diving with him...I've been told by the Dive Masters we dive with that him and I make a great team. :)
I do have some equilization problems, which I've been solving with decongestants, but I get vertigo and some pain when decreasing depth during a dive, and ascending. If anyone has any solutions to that, it'd be appreciated.

Greetings from London! :)

Congratulations on your OW, I am another new diver, unfortunatly I dont have the dive friendly waters you do, or the dive friendly wallet at the moment ;-0

But all in good time, Hopfully I will get to goto the states during december and do some diving somewhere

Welcome to the board, I'm sure you will be made more than welcome, I know I was! :)
Great to have you aboard...

Wildbill:D :D
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here and Dive Safe.....................Arduous
Hello and glad to have you on board. My other half has some problems equalizing, but she learned a lot from this web site. Read and enjoy!


Welcome to the board from smoggy Asia! The only "good" air in these parts comes in a tank. Guess we need to go diving soon. Dive safe!:)

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