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Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
# of dives
200 - 499
Hello all,

My name is Mike and my wife is Debbie. We just finished our OW class and dives a week ago. We live in landlocked Colorado. Our certification dive was done in Blue Hole, New Mexico.

We started snorkeling 1 1/2 years ago and fell in love with the world beneath the water. After several snorkeling trips in the warm Caribbean waters, we decided to try scuba. Watching divers hanging out and enjoying the scenery while we were struggling to get down to where they were for a few seconds while snorkeling, convinced us that scuba would be even more fun than snorkeling.

We had a wonderful instructor who was very patient with us. We are both still a little nervous about diving. There is so much to learn and think about. But we are looking forward to geting better.

This board is proving to be a great source of info. We had no idea what an expensive sport this is. We are in the process of looking at equipment.

The stuff we used during the class was OK. But as we progressed through the pool dives (including lots of practice time), we noticed that each BC we used was a little different. It makes learning to control buoyancy quite challenging when the equipment we used was different each time.

At first we thought we would just rent stuff when we dive. But we are now feeling it would be better to have some things that were consistent from dive to dive so we could concentrate on getting better ourselves instead of trying to figure out some new gear each time.

Thanks for all the good advice and tips we are picking up. We look forward to reading more and maybe even meeting some of you on dive trips.

Mike and Debbie
I totally understand what you're saying about not realizing how expensive this sport really is. I'm a newbie myself, and am feeling a bit of sticker shock as I slowly gear up. Even though it costs, seems like many of the veterans here all own their own stuff for many reasons including what you faced with trying to use different bc's. There was a thread about how much of your gear you own versus rent, but I can't seem to find it right now.

Oh well, welcome to the board and good luck on the diving.
Welcome to the board Mike and Debbie:) nice to have you.
Colorado is lovely. Guess you will be learning the altitude tables, huh? Yeah, having your own equipment makes each dive about DIVING, not about adjusting to new stuff. It's safer & more fun. Go to the equipment section & post what type of diving u r doing & some of the old salts will give you input on good choices. As for sticker shock, I buy lotsa stuff used! You never know when someone is going to get sick of a perfectly good reg just because his wife got him a better one for his birthday!
Welcome to the boards!
Purchasing equipment is a bit of strain on the wallet at first, but it is well worth it in the long run!

Amen on the sticker shock! My husband informed me after we purchased all of our equipment that I spent the money for birthday and Christmas presents for at least the next few years! But he's not as obsessed with diving as I am and I figured the best way to get him to want to do it is to spend his money!:mean:

Welcome to the boards and the wondeful underwater world!
Sunny Florida. I too have just become OW certified, and agree that equiptment can get quite expensive. There are also so many different choices, it's putting my brain into overload. Guess I'll have to go diving to relax (heh heh). :D


Welcome :D

My wife and I dive together as well, Its nice not having to worry about finding a buddy :D

I can't say I had 'sticker shock', I've been interested in diving all my life so I knew what the costs were, and thats why it took me so long to get certified. We're pretty lucky living in the Caribbean. We've got a great relationship with the owners of a dive shop about 5mins from our house and we don't have to pay extra to rent equiptment when we go out on boat dives.

Move somewhere tropical with lots of dive operations and you'll have no problem affording the sport :wink:

Have fun and dive safe.

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