New Diver from the Big Easy

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New Orleans
After many years of anticipation and waiting (on what I don't know), I just got certified 2 weeks ago. I'm headed to Costa Rica (Dominical) and figured now is as good a time as any. My folks have been diving since the 70's and I've had the SCUBA bug ever since. I'm very glad to have stumbled across this board and anticipate numerous visits and posts as my quest for knowledge is unlimited. I look forward to posting with a lot of you in the not so distant future and eagerly await your replys.
welcome to the board. Lots of people in here like you who got the scuba bug
I gotta support LSU or I'll get booted in the street.

Welcome to the boards. I had a chance to dive with the Scuba Company in East NO during the second weekned of Jazz fest and they did a great job with us even though we called the dive. I still want to get down there to dive the rigs some.

Have fun in Costa Rica.

Virginia Beach. Hope you have fun in all your dives, and you dive alot. Enjoy the board, and learn alot.

Rich :mean:
Originally posted by TwoBitTxn
I had a chance to dive with the Scuba Company in East NO during the second weekned of Jazz fest ...

How do you decide between Jazz Fest and Diving? I haven't been faced with that yet, but I imagine it's one of the harder decisions one has to make in life. Hope you come back to visit us soon.
The diving group of us tried to go diving on Saturday but as the story went... we went to a bug boil Saturday night and hit the fest on Sunday. My 2yo enjoyed Jazz fest all weekend with her great Aunts.

My in-laws are a scuba family, too. My family could not even go in the deep end of a pool. Hope your trip is great. Keep your eyes open on the shore for spiny-tailed iguanas. I have a soft spot for their irrascible personalities.

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