New Diver from DC

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Fairfax, VA

I'm a new diver from DC and new to the board. My wife and I got our OW and AOW this summer in Millbrook Quarry, VA. We are going to COZ in a month. Can't wait. I look forward to chatting with you all on various threads. Happy SCUBA

We have our own group of Mid-Atlantic divers on the board at:

We have a meeting next month in Tyson's Corner if you are interested and always have a few dive trips in the works. Additionally, many of us go out to the quarry to practice almost every weekend and you are welcome to join us anytime.

Who did you do your OW/AOW through?
Welcome and have a great time in Cozumel!
While Cozemel may have 80-degree water, 100-foot visibility, and abundant aquatic life, I bet it doesn’t have a sunken bus now does it!:D

Have fun in Cozemel! Compared to Millbrook you’re in for a real treat.

Welcome to the board and as o-ring said check out Mid Atlantic Divers forum if you’re interested in doing some dives locally.

A hearty welcome from Ohio
Thanks for the info on the Mid-Atlantic divers group. I may just be there. I will need to meet local dive buddies since my wife isn’t too keen on Millbrook. I definitely don’t want to be a once a year diver.

I did my OW and AOW through a LDS, but don't want to name them since we had a bad experience. The instructor for OW was amazing. He really made us feel comfortable and did a fantastic job. Too bad he wasn't around for AOW.

However, I just sold my first born and got all geared up at “The Dive Shop” in Fairfax. They were great.

Glad to be a member of the board, and I look forward to Diving, Diving, Diving. When you get the bug…. What can you say?
HomerJay once bubbled...

I'm a new diver from DC and new to the board. My wife and I got our OW and AOW this summer in Millbrook Quarry, VA. We are going to COZ in a month. Can't wait. I look forward to chatting with you all on various threads. Happy SCUBA


Welcome... I live in Alexandria and am also a new diver...

i'm in DC, too... just got my certification at Millbrook last month and did my first "real" dives last week in Hawaii...

welcome to the board
Welcome to the board HomerJay, Cozumel is a great place, have fun:)

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