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Orlando, Florida
In about a year from now i might have to choose if i am willing to follow my job/company to Nevada, somewhere around Reno.

The major factor for me is .. is there any decent diving out there ? How close is it to good diving spots in the ocean (ie, how many hours in a car).

Right now in Orlando, i end up usually driving minimum 2 hours to get to a good diving spot. although i have a choice of fresh water/spring dives, ocean dives and gulf dives.

Will I be miserable in Nevada (i've never been further west than Chicago). The way I understand it it is just desert all over the place and bunch of gambling opportunities.

And, will i have to invest in a dry suit ? :)
I have a buddy who still says that diving Lake Tahoe is very cool, and his favorite non-ocean dive. They used to dive the area that a ferry would cross, and he still has a lot of cool things he found that were dropped off the boat. He said that vis was sometimes excellent.

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