Need an Octo for a Aqua Legend Supreme Lx

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I was wondering if someone could suggest what Octo i could use to match with a New Aqua legend Supreme Lx Reg.. Its Overbalanced . The legend will replace My trusty Conshelf Se2as my primary reg.. Question is can i now use the SE2 as an octo..or will it make better sense to buy the Octo Lx and put the Se2 on Pony Bottle Duty????
I was diving with a matched set of SE2's, great regs by the way. Upgraded my primary first/second stage to Oceanic with a CDX5 first stage and used my SE2 Octo for a few months for a security blanket. I felt guilty about seperating my SE2's so reassembled them and they are my backup system. I moved to a Dacor Eagle Octo and am very much pleased with the choice. Dry in all positions and a very well mannered breather down to 96' at 58 degrees F. I say it is worth a try for comparison's sake.
I use the Legend LX.

Go to and look at the octos. You can find a dealer , too. With a great reg like that, you should have a matching octo that is tuned to your first stage.
If it doesn't bug you that they aren't the same brand, you can use any of your existing regs as an octo if you like. I used a Mares Axis as an octo with my Legend until just recently.

Thats why i posted the question .. i was under the impression they had to match as well
But dang im gonna miss my SE2 I loved that Reg... My LDS tried to tell me My SE2 was gonna put me in danger.. he even went so far as to sy It was "unsafe" LOL
I laughed in his face... I have had it serviced like clock work
thanks for all the input i really appreciate it..
buds, I was kidding that they gotta match. But since you have such a nice high end reg, why not? With good care and maintenance, you'll have this reg set for many years. And it will look good, too.
avoid the Aqualung LPO... rough breather with unstoppable free-flow issues on the surface (i.e. you have to turn off the air to stop it, then it's ok).

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