Near disaster today

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Gary D.

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Post Falls, Idaho
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I'm a Fish!
The sun had not yet showed its yellow glow when the alarm clock went from passive to aggressive and got my sorry butt up. Holy Poo Batman we are having a terrorist chemical attack in the north end of the county at the Navy base. Seeing how I don’t do chemicals, that’s Fireman stuff. So I brush, shower, shave, dress, eat and go to the marine building for extra tanks before responding.

I get to the meeting point around 0800 along with two other divers and a Marine Deputy who drug up one of our Raves. Now we wait, the only 4 not involved in the operation sink into boredom mode and hope they don’t have to call us. This a big Homeland Security drill with several fed, state and local agencies involved.

During the early morning wait I decide to take care of something I hadn’t taken care of earlier. All I have to say about that is that who ever decided to make a stainless steel toilet and put it in an unheated cement block building should be shot several times. :m16: It was like 30df outside and minus 30df inside. Remember The Christmas Story? The part where the kid licks the frozen pipe. Thank god I didn’t have a sweaty or I’d still be there. But I still have a frost bite oval ring I’m not showing off.:mooner:

Everything must have gone well because we didn’t get called to do what we were there to do. The Blackhawk stayed in the air and nobody fell in. I think the actual chemical attack did happen but it was after lunch. hehehe
I should have known by the shortness of the post that it was going to be about a shіtty topic.
During the early morning wait I decide to take care of something I hadn’t taken care of earlier. All I have to say about that is that who ever decided to make a stainless steel toilet and put it in an unheated cement block building should be shot several times. :m16: It was like 30df outside and minus 30df inside. Remember The Christmas Story? The part where the kid licks the frozen pipe. Thank god I didn’t have a sweaty or I’d still be there. But I still have a frost bite oval ring I’m not showing off.:mooner:

Could have been a career ending injury...:eyebrow:

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