my near drowning

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Have been diving since 2000 w/70 + dives but had near drowning in May 06 in key Largo. we were going to do a 50 ft drift dive on Molasses and as I started descent reaching towards the bouy line my mask flooded and I was swept away from line by stronger than I realized current, tightened the strap and tried to clear but still flooded and decided to inflate BC and surface as only 10-15 ft down but going away from the line and the dive group. My buddy (husband) was starting his descent and did not realize I had gotten past him and then started back to the surface. As I went up realized I was breathing water, broke the surface signaled for DM on boat who saw me and started to release boat to come to me when I passed out. He later told me he swung the boat around and grabbed my BC as I was going under, pulled me into sitting position on dive platform and got my tank and BC weight belt off and did rescue breathing. A nearby private boat had noticed the rescue and offered help as one was paramedic. She swam to the dive boat and assisted the divemaster with O2 etc as the rest of my dive group surfaced about 30 feet away. A DM instructor was with a newbie in our group and before they were at depth noted my absence and brought the group to the surface. By the time they got to the boat I was breathing on my own but pretty stressed. received 02 by mask and a trip to meet an ambualnce back on shore. Quite a bit more excitement than I had expected. Result was an ovenight stay at Mariner's Hospital in Tavernier where I rec'd excellent care. I was glad that we had chosen dive shop with small ( 6 max) group so I was not "lost in the crowd" and thankful for the training and response of the DM. We just returned there for Labor Day and I spent a morning with the DM on refresher and then successful dives that afternoon with DM along then 2 dives each of next two days with a new respect for the risks of diving. glad to be here!
wow... well, glad to have you writing this!

and also, good for you to get back in the water after that experience

i am curious, do you remember how you started to breathe water? did you take your reg out of your mouth? or did you inhale water through your nose b/c the mask was flooded?
Wow... I second the motion on being glad you are here to post this. Thanks for the first-person perspective, it's an eye opener.
Have been diving since 2000 w/70 + dives but had near drowning in May 06 in key Largo.

Thanks for posting. Sounds like you acted reasonably, were able to signal the DM and all... I'm sure you've tried to figure out what happened. Mask flooding is easy you get some hair or the hood under the mask skirt and it leaks but sucking water through the reg? OK I'll admit it. I've desended more then once with the snorkle in my mouth thinking it was the reg.

I hope you keep diving and do it more frequently too.
Hehehe...I've done that to....descending...."Hmmm...what's wrong....Oops....a reg would be good!" But yes...back to topic...also...I'm curious to know at what point you realized you were breathing water...and was your reg out or was it the flood from the mask?
Sounds like the crew was on top of the situation. You are very lucky. Welcome to SB. What dive op were you using?
Welcome to the board and glad to have you here as you're sharing a scary story. Happy that all turned out ok
Sounds like you might need to get a bit more comfortable with clearing your mask/breathing underwater with no mask on?
...tried to clear but still flooded and decided to inflate BC and surface as only 10-15 ft down but going away from the line and the dive group.
I'm assuming that you weren't stressed at this point, so I must ask the question. Does everyone inflate their BC when they ascend? I was taught the opposite.

I also am curious as to how you began breathing water. Was their an equipment failure of some sort?

Glad you are alright.

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