MX-10 Upgrades

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Fishers, IN
In my quest to improve my u/w photog capabilities without adding too many variables and cost I've taken the following path:

Current set-up:
MX-10 w/ mxtender for YS-40A strobe on Sea&Sea tray and SeaArm IV. Macro and 20mm wide angle lens. I use the 20mm lens extensively and bracket f-stops.

Recently acquired items:
Sea&Sea YS-90DX strobe with fiber optic cable to trigger strobe's slave sensor from camera's built-in flash. ULCS pivot tray (strobe arms pending)

Here's my questions that hopefully some others can answer:
1) MX-10 only has f-stops of 4.5 and 11 for the internal flash. Do I keep the YS-40A as the "internal" flash to trigger the YS-90DX so I can use all f-stops or should 4.5 and 11 be sufficient?

2) The fiber optic cable is attached to a diffuser that covers the YS-90DX. Will this dampen the flash too much for 20mm wide angle shots (esp. in low ambient light on reefs 70-100ft deep)?
You've replaced the YS40A with the YS90DX? Cool! The fiber optic cable will attch via a patch of velcro over the cameras internal flash. That's all you need to trigger the strobe. Using the tray and strobe arm, you'll be able to position the strobe to avoid backscatter. Are you sure the FO cable is attached to a diffuser? Mine is a ring that fits over the strobe face, just like the diffuser, but the center is open and there's no diffusing going on! In fact I had to make my own diffuser for the center of it.

The YS90DX will cover most of the wide angle lens coverage but you're pushing it. If I remember correctly, both have a coverage area of 90-100º. But it will be almost impossible to get full edge-to-edge coverage of the lens with the strobe off to one side. That's where a second strobe comes in. Personally, I like the one strobe coverage just fine but I admit two can be better if you don't mind the size of the rig.

It's been awhile since I used a MX-10 but I'd set it so the flash goes off with every shot. The flash will trigger your strobe, you'll set the strength of the strobe on the back of it, and you can still choose the proper f/stop for the exposure you need.

Remember that no matter what size strobe you have, the light is not going to be effective past 3-4 ft. A good rule of thumb is...if you can reach out and touch it, the strobe will cover it sufficiently. Past your arms reach, you lose lighting power. With a wide angle, past 3 feet you're better off with no strobe, ambient lighting will be better. All the strobe is going to do is light any particles in the water.
Thanks Dee. I've been doing a lot of research.

Unfortunately, the internal flash of the camera is only turned on at 2 settings on the f-stop dial: f4.5 and f11. That may not be too much of a limitation as I'm finding that f8 is the recommended f-stop for wide angle using ISO100 film and shutter speed 1/60 (which is the only shutter speed on the MX-10). With a diffuser over the strobe the recommendation is to open up one f-stop, in this case it would usually be f11. I can bracket using strobe power instead of f-stops or use ambient light only and bracket with f-stops.

I can make the YS-40 strobe fire every shot regardless of camera f-stop so I could slave the YS-90DX via fiber optic cable off that.

I might end up with a contraption of YS-40A with mxtender off the left and YS-90DX with fiber optic to internal flash off the left :rolleyes: But hopefully will be ok with just the YS-90DX rig.
I couldn't remember if the internal flash could be on all the time or not. Sounds like you have it worked out. Slaving off the YS40 could be interesting. If you're using the MX-Tender with it and can change the position of the YS40, instead of masking it off with the FO cable, you might try setting the YS90 to slave and you'll have double strobes. Worth a try anyway.

The only problem with the larger f/stops is the shorter DOF. But as long as you're aware of it, you'll be fine.
I've been told that S&S slave sensors require a signal flash from an equal or greater strength strobe which is why I'm probably stuck with that fiber optic cable. I'll try it all sorts of different ways to see what I can and can't get away with.

There isn't any info out there for trying a YS-90DX with an MX-10 camera. Maybe I'll be a pioneer for those of us who won't just throw in the towel and upgrade to a new system already :wink:

Glad to hear the MX-10's still alive and kicking! Here's a few thoughts.

I agree with you that using the internal flash as a trigger is a bad idea, for several reasons. (Only 2 f-stops, extreme backscatter, etc.)

Unfortunately, if you ditch the YS-40, then the internal flash is the only trigger. Not good.

I'd keep the YS-40/MXTENDER/arm on the left, and if you have a Multi-Stay Base, get another arm and Arm Adapter (small angled piece) for mounting the YS-90DX on the right. Test the slave sensor thoroughly. It may be that the YS-40 will reliably trigger it. If not, I'd think it would be possible to attach the fiber optic sensor cable over a corner of the YS-40, allowing it to trigger the YS-90DX while still functioning as a 2nd strobe.

This would give you a cool dual-strobe setup, better than the YS-90DX alone.

Keep us posted!
I was hopin' you would jump in on this one:)

I need to get a second strobe arm, but already have the multi-stay and 2 arm adapters. I reaallly would like to avoid having to use the second fiber optic cable.

I also just got a ULCS pivot tray but need arm parts and need to have an "adapter" made so MX-10 will sit on it. It's fatter than the MMII and just misses the alignment of the tray screw and the hole on the camera. I have a machinist dive pal who can whip something up out of Delrin in no time.

Keepin' the camera simple - just none of the other stuff:wink:
It may very well be that the YS-90 will trigger as a slave off of the YS-40 without the need for the fiber optic cable. The only way to know for sure is to test it under varying conditions.

You've got just about everything you need, and a Sea Arm IV is cheap, so you're almost there!

BTW, shutter speed on the MX-10 is 1/100, not 1/60.
gbundersea once bubbled...
BTW, shutter speed on the MX-10 is 1/100, not 1/60.

That forces me back to slaving off the YS-40A to have full range of f-stops. I knew it was adding up to be too simple:wink:

YS-90DX will slave off the YS-40A w/o fiber optic cable - at least on land. Need to test in our murky quarry to ensure it will function reliably u/w w/o addt'l fiber optic cable.

Seems silly to add a diffuser when I'm trying to increase stobe power. Does the diffuser add any real benefit for wide angle?

Nice to hear about your set up. I did get sort of lost on the fiber optic cord part though. Have you set it up so it triggers off the internal flash on the MX-10 or is the velcro connector attached to the YS-40?

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