Moving to DC area - questions.

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DA Aquamaster

Directional Toast
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I am accepting a promotion to a job in Washington DC and have never been there before. Any suggestions as to where to find decent rentals and neighborhoods in Maryland or Virginia within 30 minutes of SW DC. (I will be working across the street from the Air and Space museum.)

Also, given that my priorities have been screwed up since the day I started diving, where do I want to live in the DC area for the best access to dive sites and weekend charters. One of the appeals of the move is to be closer to be able to go wreck diving on a regular basis and without having to fly 2000 miles.
Hey, old guy!

Come see me when you get here!

This place is like almost any other...pros and cons. With respect to living and renting, be prepared for a coronary. There are lots of rental units within 20-30 minutes of downtown DC. Most of them will run you around $2500 - $5000 per month, with covered parking and utilities included. A townhouse inside the beltway without an attached garage may run you $450,000 to $600,000 if its right on the Metro. If you want an attached garage, add $100-200K. A decent sized house with a decent sized yard, within 30 minutes of downtown DC, varies - say $1.2 to $1.4 million. Take a look online. Use the Pentagon as a center and extend outward, checking prices on, say, 2,400 to 3,400 square feet, garage included. Holy Heartattack! PM me with specific questions and I'll try to vector you in... (There may be a couple other things you wanna consider, depending... Occasionally the number of bad guys with guns cause the local DC police chief to declare crime emergencies, which allow him to cancel vacations, double police on shifts, and generally are good for some photo opportunities and high drama in the city council. If you are of the opinion that shooting back may be desirable, then you don't want to live in DC proper or Maryland. The local gendarmes in these locales frown upon your exercising your second amendment rights, and may spank you harshly if you survive an intermural firefight by shooting back. If you desire a more civilized manner of dealing with miscreants who have the temerity to point guns at you, consider making the Commonwealth of Virginia your new home. The Virginia gendarmes possess no more sense of humor than their DC cousins, however, they in fact have a more tolerant and enlightened perspective regarding gun control. In Virginia, 'gun control' means being able to reliably hit what you aim at.)

On the other hand, you don't need to worry about which side of town puts you closer to the diving locations. Getting out of town in DC is an art form. Getting back in on a Sunday evening in summer is even more so. Bring snacks and drinks in a cooler. There is basically one highway heading north, one kinda east, 66 heading west, and 395/95 heading south. You and roughly the population of South Jersey will be trying to leave the city simultaneously on any given time of any given day. When you get here I'll show you locations, routes, and rough travel times, (rough because you might decide to get a wild hair and get up at 3AM to get out of town, in which case your travel times will be reduced rather significantly...)

There are basically two quarries in reasonably close vicinity of the location you specified. One is out in Haymarket, approximately 50 min to 1 hour from, say, the Pentagon, depending on traffic. The vis sucks and there are issues, however, it allows you to dive in the morning and do other stuff in the afternoon.

The nicer quarry is, of course, about 3 hrs 20 min from, say, the Pentagon. More info here:

In terms of ocean wreck diving, you also basically have two choices: cold, dark, and comparatively sterile; or warm, clear, and teeming with countless forms of life.

Cold and dark, etc. is about 3.5 hours either towards Ocean City, MD or Virginia Beach, VA (from the same point of origin as above). Historic wrecks either way, of course, and countless examples of same, but the environmental parameters vary significantly. Warm and clear is about 7.5 hours south, to Morehead City or Beaufort, North Carolina. Unfortunately, there is no free lunch here. There are a number of boat operators, I'll point out those with whom I'm familiar. This place is a bit different than most with respect to offshore operations, but on a truly good day, IMHO, the coast off North Carolina offers world-class diving - superior to most vacation destinations that divers more frequently fly to. On a truly good day.....

There are about 7 or 8 dive shops scattered around the area. They meet quasi-regularly and agree with one another on some things (but not others), so you won't find tremendous differences in prices or requirements. Some I like and others I avoid, same as anything else. I'll locate those with whom I've had dealings either way and you can make up your own mind.

PM me when you get into town. It's an interesting place, and I wish you good fortune with your new job.


If you will be working in the city, you should think about giving Alexandria a try. Its just across the water from DC, and rent isn't too bad. I've paid anywhere from $1200 - $1800 /month. Plus, Old Town is pretty cool! :D
Agree with the above that for anything "downtown", plan on taking Metro, unless your employer is providing parking. Even then...

Mileage around DC means very little - commutes are measured in Minutes, and vary greatly for the same distances, and even same points/different direction. Decide how much you want to pay, and what kind of housing you want, and that will direct what areas to look in. Do a short-term rental and find a good realtor to help you out with finding something more permanent. I don't think that any place that's 45 minutes from DC commuting wise will be any different in reality for access to ocean diving.

Even the places that are farther from downtown - like Frederick, and Columbia, have commuter buses available that go downtown, or at least to rail transit.

Also, if you're just looking for a place to get wet now and then, there's also Hyde's Quarry up in Westminster (about an hour from DC). It isn't much, but it's water, and cheap to dive :)

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