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SC, Kansas
I have a chance to buy a MK20UL-600 for 350. Is this a good deal. It is brand new with warranty. It is on clearance at my ds. Any info that you have would be apprecitated. thanks., How does it compare to the best:::"?????
The all aluminum UL series were nice regs from a weight standpoint and are nitrox approved up to 40%. They do have potential problems with disimilar metals corrosion around the port plugs. The threads need to be kept lubed and a plastic washer is normally used to prevent surface contact between the plug and the body. There are also some different torque specs for the reg as it is easier to break parts during service but this is a technician issue only and not a factor for a diver/owner.

SP has addressed the issues in the current Mk 25 SA that uses stainless steel in a few strategic areas.

But the Mk 20 UL is a great reg that will operate just as well as any other MK 20/25
around and it is very light weight and a great travel reg. It is not a reg that I would have paid the extra money for at full retail compared to a standard brass Mk 25, but price is not an issue in your case as the price is very reasonable. I'd jump on it.

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