This is a Picture of me were I worked as a diver at an Aquarium with killer whales .......This Particular whale loved to sneak up on the divers and steal their flippers ....she'd play with them in the corner of the pool dropping it and then picking it up again ....( like a dog with a favourite stick) ...... ..eventually she'd bring it back to the diver and stop inches away letting the flipper dangle in her mouth ( I'd swear she was laughing as her whole body would shake) when you'd grab it she'd close her mouth and a tug of war would ensue ....I never did win those ....she could be tricked though by showing the other flipper ...she'd drop the one in her mouth and then you'd pull the one on your foot out of the way this point she'd usually leave and the game was over ......having spent countless hours diving and working with whales in captivity I came to realize that they belong in the wild and not in captivity