I am trying to sell my DUI CF200 XXL Signature Series - has less than 10 dives. Great drysuit - I just have two and only need one.
Here is my Scuba Board add -
I have a DUI CF200 Signature Series drysuit with wrist zipseals. Suit has less than 10 dives on it -I'm getting rid of it because I have another suit. Awesome suit if you're familiar with DUI drysuits. I have an undergarment for it. Not desperate to sell - suit cost $3200 originally without an undergarment.
Make me a reasonable offer. Great deal for someone looking for a quality suit that's practically brand new!!
Here are the details from DUI on the suit-
CF200X Signature Series $3,258
Features: Diagonal front-entry zipper
Telescoping torso, suspenders, crotch strap
Warm neck collar
Zipper guard
Apeks swivel inlet & adjustable, automatic exhaust valves
RockBoot™ System
Kevlar® knee pads
Two pockets
Signature Series Patch
Material: Patented crushed neoprene
Colors: Black body
Seals: Latex
Hood: Separate warm neck
Bag: DUI drysuit bag, talc and zipper ease
Call or email me for details-
smith_ryand@hotmail.com or 925.457.7889
Email me for pictures.