Suggestion Member Search??

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
New Bremen, Ohio
# of dives
500 - 999
Is there a way I could enter my zip code or state and do a search to find other members in my area?
I could enter my zip and search a 10 -25-50 miles radius for other members, instructors, or a dive buddy in my area.
I also think that would be a good idea. For example I live in Northern in order to find those close to me I have to search: Virginia, VA, NOVA, Maryland, MD, DC, District of Columbia, West Virigina, and WV. I think a zipcode field in member profiles and a radius search would be an excellent addition.
Doesn't PADI have something similar to that on their website?
I love this idea. Maybe tailor "opt out," "looking for dive buddies," etc.

The Matrix has one. I think it's a .vbulletin add-on.
I also think that would be a good idea. For example I live in Northern in order to find those close to me I have to search: Virginia, VA, NOVA, Maryland, MD, DC, District of Columbia, West Virigina, and WV. I think a zipcode field in member profiles and a radius search would be an excellent addition.

Awesome idea! I'd use it for sure.

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