May 21, 2011 @ 6:00pm

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I'm 100% sure may 21st, 6:00pm is going to happen. And then a whole bunch of idiots are going to come up with excuses as to why it didn't happen. And if I'm wrong, who'll give a rats ass?
Didn't you get the memo? It's already happened and your stuck in Groundhog Day!
:happywave: Bye, y'all. It's been fun.

What a joke, this fool is. Did y'all hear that someone called in to this nuts radio show and asked him if the rapture didn't occur, would he give all the money he's received from his supporters back as a refund?

Stay away from the Herd.
Cult of death predictions are nothing new. Unfortunately they are dangerous for the followers.
Ha. That's not gonna happen
Death cults are a Darwinian form of species survival. The rest of us just don't need them around, spreading their flawed genes.
I hope he made his money because if nothing happens im sure people are gonna come after him

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