For sale is our Max 35 air compressor. It is in perfect condition with less than 10 hours. Just had everything serviced with new filters and oil. Unfortunately we do not have time to use it. If you scuba dive or play paintball this is a must have. This will fill tanks to 4000psi. I have a video I can send you of it running if interested.
Asking $1400.00
Here is a website link for a new one. info removed)3897&gclid=CjwKCAjwloCSBhAeEiwA3hVo_a_5VaoFDzGIsXlhdnf6o-BjjsQ-HIGA8KFd2w_njy7uPbiZlczJ7RoCmw0QAvD_BwE
Asking $1400.00
Here is a website link for a new one. info removed)3897&gclid=CjwKCAjwloCSBhAeEiwA3hVo_a_5VaoFDzGIsXlhdnf6o-BjjsQ-HIGA8KFd2w_njy7uPbiZlczJ7RoCmw0QAvD_BwE